Valerie Ihsan, Aligned Action

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Ep122: The Prolific Writer with Brock Swinson


Another Shared Lodging ticket just opened up for the retreat for a woman-identified person wanting to share a tipi with two twin beds. $650 for all food and lodging, coaching, instruction, and retreat time.

(Alumni offered a scholarship for a retreat ticket -- so if you'd like to apply for the scholarship, please email me and let me know what you are working on and why you'd like to come to the retreat.)

  • (Focused Fan $50/mo includes one group mastermind call/month + weekly 1:1 15-minute accountability calls and emails + monthly scene analysis.)

  • Group Coaching Sept 12- Dec 12 $500 for 3-months (works out to $165/mo and my 1:1 weekly coaching is $500, so you can see the price difference there) Go to

Show Notes:

1. In your book, you say, "Reduction is the first step to becoming a professional writer." Say more about that.

Creative constraints and the mindset of a career author (long term) plus writing--get to quality through quantity--will get you to Professional Writer status.

Separate inner writer and editor; Getting words on the page gets you better; "Publish and ship."~ Seth Godin

Knowing clear line helps: I write this character even when I'm trying not to write that way. What are you obsessed about? The most authentic voice. Tight window of what that is. What keeps you up at night? Write what you know is theme. Plot is research.

Try voices until you find your own, stripping away not yours,

Planning to write for the rest of the life. Shift your habits based on lifestyle,  always surprised by not outlining. Devise creative systems that can work for a lifetime.

What is your system?

Three things a day-- progressive things and maintenance things.

Notecards, outline, title, organize

100 horror hooks, narrow down ten, poll, pick, brainstorm put look to tentpoles of other films, put creative spin.

Story forge method

Separate own projects vs client work: every day is a war to write your own stuff; create windows of working on own stuff; get up early to do the three things and then stop if I want to.

Little promises to yourself stack and get you in direction of who you want to be. 0-1 is the struggle and will take longer than you think, but then you're there. Where you want to be.

Prolific means (process oriented) do this forever no matter what.

Focus on time, not words.

Know process.

Creative Principles Podcast and YouTube channel

@brockswinson on instagram and YouTube.

Give away 100K books on

Daredevil Society documentary

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