Valerie Ihsan, Aligned Action

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Ep95: A Year in Review

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Hello Writers and Crafters!

I'm Valerie Ihsan, And I'm Erick Mertz, and this is Episode 95 of the podcast and it's December 14, 2022  as we record this.

Main Topic: A Year in Review


No new patrons this week,

  • A big squeezy hug and Thank you to our existing patrons for believing in us and in the podcast.

This podcast is sponsored by our patrons at For as low as a $1/mo, you can get a shout out on the podcast and we can make announcements for you on the podcast. At other tiers, the benefits increase--free books, accountability Zoom calls, scene analysis, mastermind calls, and even free Writer Craft retreat tickets. Become a patron of the arts at


Patron announcement:


  • 1) Writer Craft Writing Retreat is scheduled for next August 24-27, 2023. Tickets include all lodging and gourmet meals, plus instruction and coaching and retreat time on the river, in Marcola, OR. “We’ll be touching on book structure, story hypothesis, plotting that doesn’t hurt, author action plans, and more.” Go to for more information.

Alumni and patron price is $775.

  • Early Bird price available from November - January. $800

  • Monthly payments are an option. Send me a message for a unique PayPal link, or go to the shopping page on my website to purchase at full price.

  • 2) We want to celebrate our 100th episode with you. Please send in an audio clip via email to with a comment or testimonial about the podcast. What you like about it, why you listen, etc. On the 100th episode on January 18th, we'll play the clips on air. Please send in your audio clips by January 11th at the latest.

  • 3) We need topic suggestions. Please send to

  • Update:

  • Spoke at an online conference, The Essential Gathering, for members of The Author Life community. My talk Accountability for Authors: How to Focus and Finish, and Get Sh!t Done.

Just finished:  A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny

I'M READING: The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker,  Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Beth Kempton, Up Next: Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber

  • Erick's Reading:

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.

Show Notes:

"Hold on tightly, let go lightly."

Noticing when decisions are "right" or not. Grieving for ideas that don't work.

CEO time weekly. Finding balance is easily. "I know how to strive for it now."

Pull apart that one-track mind.

Allow exploration and transition. Collect data and learn about yourself. Fully understand your process and how long projects and client work takes.


Raven Publicity (publicity for authors)

The Shades of Orange (Rachel, Book Blogger on YouTube) for book recommendations SF/Fantasy/Horror

Contact Erick for business-starting advice.

Contact Valerie for book coaching for help writing your book.

Other Resources:

Thomas Umstattd Jr, at Novel Marketing Podcast. Ep255: How to Create an Email Onboarding Drip Campaign

Erick's Linktree link:

Russell P. Nohelty and Monica Leonelle's book, Get Your Book Selling on Kickstarter.

The Author Life Community

Passion Planner: (affiliate link) Discount Code: VALERIEO866

ProWriting Aid: (affiliate link)

Find Us:

Valerie’s Services:

Valerie’s Author Site:

Valerie’s Facebook Page and Instagram account


Erick’s Services:

Erick’s free book on Ghostwriting:

Erick’s Author Site:

Erick’s Facebook Page and Instagram account 

Writer Craft Facebook Group
