How to Reuse Content in Your Business

How to Reuse Content in Your Business

Show Notes:

Single use content is labor intensive.

Blog --> YT video, marketing material on various sites, podcast talking points.

Podcast episode --> YT video, social media, newsletter, public newsletter.

Think about the purpose of the work you do. Harmonious message. Expert in field.

Different video lengths serve different scenarios for your audience.

Takes more than one time before they click on your content and engage with you.

Look at HOW to use it, and where.

Thank you to our existing patrons for believing in our work offline and here in the podcast.

Become a patron of the arts at for books, writing instruction, coaching, and planning. Go to for short stories in the paranormal mystery genre.


Author Update:


  • prepping for new class

  • launched new book series (Black Springs Saga)

  • went camping with son (Cub Scouts)

  • writing new story (TV pilot) (using as a sample for ghostwriting website)

  • Valerie:

  • started teaching new class

  • mastermind helping me make some decisions

  • getting ready for Leslie/Sophia visit

  • changing website to streamline and point to coach

  • I'm reading:


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Valerie's Linktree:

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Valerie’s Services:

Valerie’s Author Site:

Valerie’s Facebook Page and Instagram account

Erick’s Services:

Erick’s free book on Ghostwriting:

Erick’s Author Site:

Erick’s Facebook Page and Instagram account



Passion Planner: (affiliate link) Discount Code: VALERIE150

ProWriting Aid: (affiliate link)


"How to write an eavesdropping scene" on Erick's blog

Reading Critique Group for Writers FB Group (Jennie Komp's group)

3 Bird View FB page (Jennie Komp's business page)

Author XP (marketing for authors) (bi-monthly promotions)

Raven Publicity (publicity for authors)

The Shades of Orange (Rachel, Book Blogger on YouTube) for book recommendations SF/Fantasy/Horror

Contact Erick for business-starting advice or building a website.

Contact Valerie for author coaching.

Thomas Umstattd Jr, at Novel Marketing Podcast. Ep255: How to Create an Email Onboarding Drip Campaign

Russell P. Nohelty and Monica Leonelle's book, Get Your Book Selling on Kickstarter.

Balance meditation app.

Book Recs for writing/creativity/business:

Thinking in Pictures by John Sayles

Using Tropes to Avoid Writer's Block

Using Tropes to Avoid Writer's Block

Writing Cross-Genre with Dyslexia, featuring guest A.B. Herron

Writing Cross-Genre with Dyslexia, featuring guest A.B. Herron