


J.D. Barker

New York Times and International Bestselling Author

“Valerie worked professionally, kept in touch throughout the project, and delivered before the deadline.”

Erick Mertz


“Valerie has a nurturing way of working together with her clients to find answers, instead of dictating them. She’s especially good at what she does because she’s a good listener and puts energy into what her clients are saying, instead of putting people in boxes.”

Catherine Hernandez


“Valerie was extremely helpful. She brought a calmness to my ADHD, pantsing brain, and helped me focus on the goals I needed to set. Working with her has helped me understand what I can accomplish and what my timeframe really looks like. Without her listening skills, careful insights, and encouraging words, I would never have fixed the problem section of my book. She made me a better writer by guiding the strengths I have and pointing me in the right direction to learn how to overcome my weaker points. I would recommend her as a writing coach to any who asks.”

Jeaux Bartlett


“The alchemy of the retreat - the natural setting, Valerie's coaching, as well as the presenters and other folks there - came together to create the magic I needed to reinvigorate my writing life. I started working on my book again that weekend and haven't stopped since.”

D.S. Rhodes

Writer and Musician

"My hour-long session with Valerie was incredibly valuable, not only in regards to the novella that I was working on, but as a crash-course in writing in general: pacing, characterization, pitfalls, dialogue, plot development, etc. She read my story with great care and critiqued it in a way to bring all these aspects into focus for me. She helped me take a work that was pretty good and make it great."

Lily Ann Fouts

World Traveler and Writer

“I've been in one of Valerie's small group coaching groups for the past 3 months and have found great value in the support, encouragement, and accountability. When "life" happened and several of my plans went off the rails this past quarter, I found the encouragement combined with the reminder of my goals helped me keep moving forward, and while I did not achieve every goal I had set for myself and was beating myself up over it, Valerie put together a list of my wins over the past quarter and helped me see that indeed, I had accomplished quite a lot! I'm looking at my next quarter with renewed energy and positivity thanks to Valerie's help and would recommend her to anyone seeking support, accountability, AND the practical steps to take to make things happen. Valerie goes above and beyond to give value. You'll be happy you worked with her!”

Jenny Root


“I have attended writers retreats at Tipi Village for five years now, and each year I fall more in love with the setting and the experience. Sometimes I write beside Mill Creek, sometimes on a picnic table off in the native forest. I always bring too much to work on and too much to read, but I love recreating my writing life out there, and I always get work done. Of course, I enjoy the visits with other writers too, over meals and around the fire at night. I don’t get nearly enough quiet time and space for writing IRL, and this is as lovely a writing retreat as I could possibly create for myself if I waved a magic wand. And I don’t have to cook! The food is delicious, healthy and plentiful. The accommodations are the perfect mix of rustic-cozy and tastefully appointed, and I’ve stayed in nearly every space they offer. We had no problem being safely socially distanced in 2020 while still enjoying our communal time with each other. I cherish returning every year.”

Kali Kardas


“Valerie's retreat is a perfect balance of relaxing, inspiring, and educational. The setting is magical, the speakers generous with their time and gifts, and the food is fabulous! I highly recommend this trip, even if you only think you want to start writing!”

Joya Powers


“Caring. Knowledgeable. Encouraging. Motivating. Productive. That’s how I would describe Valerie and her 3-month group coaching program.  

With Valerie, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, that’s for sure. As a coach, Valerie is able to meet participants where they are and devise unique approaches that work for them. She also acknowledges and addresses the balance between project and the rest of life that all artists must master for sustainability.

As a writer, Valerie also has a wealth of experience and knowledge at her fingertips.

Valerie's combination of coach + writer leads to big productive results. Week by week, it may seem as if all you’re doing is taking tiny steps which are quite manageable. Yet when you look back after 3 months, you’ll be amazed at how far you journeyed.

If you want gentle yet effective support to start or continue a project, consider group coaching with Valerie. You’ll be glad you did!”

“Great retreat. Great venue. Great food. Lovely people. Really enjoyed the experience overall! Thank you.” ~Tamra

“This retreat served … dual purpose[s]. One, it provided helpful tools to ignite creativity. Two, it provided many inspiring locations from which to write, rest, energize, and reconnect with yourself and nature.” ~Jennifer

“The retreat—in its beautiful natural setting—nourishes the writer within. It fills my well each time I come and I leave inspired, and with a plan of action, and get my writing done.” ~Jeaux

“Valerie has created a magical and inspiring creative haven for writers in the Tipi Village. I nurtured my inner child, communed with my muse, and fostered deep connections. The retreat truly is something special and I recommend all to attend!” ~Lauren

“Thank you so much for your excellent read and detailed, comprehensive notes. I made another copy of the manuscript today and cut everything you suggested. Felt like I was waving a magic wand over it. Your editing style is very helpful and educational. My own critical eye is sharper with your example.” ~Matthew