Valerie Ihsan, Aligned Action

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Ep123: The Hardest Things for Memoirists


Shared Lodging ticket [AND a private ticket] just opened up for the retreat for a woman-identified person wanting to share a tipi with two twin beds. $650 for all food and lodging, coaching, instruction, and retreat time. [$900 for the private ticket.]

Group Coaching Sept 12- Dec 12 $500 for 3-months (works out to $165/mo and my 1:1 weekly coaching is $500, so you can see the price difference there) Go to

Just finished: Rich as Fuck by Amanda Frances and listening to A Most Agreeable Murder by Julia Seales.


Wildwood Magic by Willa Reece and I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


Show Notes:

(Hard things for Memoirists)

  • Making the truth interesting,

  • thinking of/understanding that a book is a tool in the publishing industry (reaching audience) Who are they talking to? Marketing can get in the way.

  • reliving, (self-care when writing hard stuff) (seek a therapist if needed for re-traumatization)

  • getting it right (idea of One Truth that gets in the way); OH! It's really about ...

  • separating self from the character. (In order to receive feedback.)

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