Valerie Ihsan, Aligned Action

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Ep132: Your Story Starts Here, with Mary Carroll Moore


Thanks to Jo Bartlett for increasing their patronage tier. We so appreciate you. And they've chosen the benefits tier that includes retreat tickets and monthly coaching, so WELCOME. We'll have so much fun.

ALSO, Welcome to new patrons Nora Coutis Hanson, Michelle Coleman, and Mason Tufts.

And Thank you to our existing patrons for believing in our work offline and here in the podcast.

This podcast is sponsored by our patrons at For as low as a $1/mo, you can get a postcard from me, a shout out on the podcast, and we can make announcements for you on air. At other tiers, the benefits increase--free books, accountability Zoom calls, scene analysis, mastermind calls, and even free Writer Craft retreat tickets. Become a patron of the arts at for short stories in the paranormal mystery genre

Comments/email from listeners: Great episode! :) Exactly what I needed. (From Jo Bartlett, a patron, re: Ep128: Accountability Buddies and Masterminds.)

Questions from listeners:


Patron announcement:


  • Valerie:

  • speaking at conference this weekend

  • Becca Syme's 30 for 30 this month

  • Nanowrimo in November (Erick is too!)

  • Erick:

  • working on little things; short stories, etc

  • mostly moved in; need to unpack now

Just finished:

I'M READING: beta read

Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue

Harness: A Systemic Approach: Guaranteed to Revolutionize Your Coaching by Tess Cope

Up Next: What's a Poor Girl to Do?: Prostitution in Mid-Nineteenth Century America by Elizabeth A. Topping

Soiled Doves: Prostitution in the the Early West by Anne Seagraves

Frog Music by Emma Donoghue

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett (brilliant with characterization, story within a story, three sisters)

  • Show Notes:

Mary Carroll Moore is a bestselling and award-winning author of 14 books in 3 genres, including thePEN/Faulkner-and Lambda Literary Awards nominated young adult novel, Qualities of Light, the prequel to A Woman's Guide to Search & Rescue. She received her MFA from Goddard College and has taught throughout the US and abroad at various writing schools and universities since 1998. Her writing-craft book, Your Book Starts Here, won the New Hampshire Literary Awards “Reader’s Choice” award. Before moving into fiction, she worked as a chef, a cooking-school owner, a cookbook author, and a syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles Times. Her first cookbook won a JuliaChild/IACP award. Over two hundred of her essays, stories, and articles have appeared in magazines and literary journals. She lives in New Hampshire with her family.

Storyboarding for Novelists idea.

Snippets = islands; Work on islands for 30K words, then create structure map, W method (Joseph Campbell)

Warm up is first four chapters (Mary)

Title exercise: find fifteen titles on the internet that you like, and why you like them, and then make your own list of fifteen titles.

Kirkus Review is paid promotion.

Independent Book Review

Publisher's Weekly

Book List

Newsletter on Substack.

IG Blogger tour. (Bookstagrammer)

Google Bookstagram Tour Guide

Cover Reveal.

Everything is online now.

Podcast and social media.

Preorder October 24th; audio book out now.

Literary Thriller.

Go to meal: curry, Thai food, Indian food, southeast

Julia Cameron's Walking in This World

#1000wordsofsummer (Jami Attenberg)

Next Episode: How to Use Your Backlist

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