Let's Get Meta: Behind the Scenes of the Podcasting Experience

Let's Get Meta: Behind the Scenes of the Podcasting Experience

I'M READING: beta read and client work, plus:

Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch

Indelible by Laurie Buchanan

Harness: A Systemic Approach: Guaranteed to Revolutionize Your Coaching by Tess Cope

Up Next: What's a Poor Girl to Do?: Prostitution in Mid-Nineteenth Century America by Elizabeth A. Topping

Soiled Doves: Prostitution in the the Early West by Anne Seagraves

Frog Music by Emma Donoghue

  • Erick's Reading:

Ultimate Werewolf Collection

The Singer's Gun Emily St John Mandel

Children of Ruin Adrian Tchaikovsky

  • Show Notes:

  • Part of a tradition; spoken broadcast

  • Content marketing; you have to enjoy; you have to choose

  • Becomes a Backlist

  • Erick's Regular Listens: sound opinions, novel marketing podcast, locked on blazers, baseball today, elder sign, skeptoid, strange studies of strange stories, the rusty quill, white vault, BBC Lovecraft

Listen while cooking, cleaning, walking, driving, working out.

If the topic is interesting or the guest is interesting, listen.

Mark it as played, if not.

Completist mentality not relevant today.

Have somewhat replaced craft books.

Want to be: Relevant, useful, entertaining.

Making Business Decisions

Making Business Decisions

How to Use Your Backlist

How to Use Your Backlist